SOURCE MEDIA SONY “CLEAR VOICE PLUS” MICROCASSETTE-CORDER M-450 / TDK MC60 MICROCASSETTE / TWO “UNKNOWN” PATRONS (IDENTIFIED AS “A” AND “B”) OF CHICAGO COFFEE CADRE (STORE #7) BEGIN PLAYBACK PATRON A So many times… So many times… So many mother effin’ times… the “For Rent” sign? Yeah. Or the ad? It’ll tell ya: call . Call … for the rental rate. Call? PATRON B Mm-hm. PATRON A Why? Why waste your time? Why waste my time? Why? PATRON B Hm. PATRON A Is it ever really negotiable? If you wanna rent the place, you’ve gotta pay what the slumlord wants you to pay. Right? Anyways, it’s usually the goddamn janitor who shows you the dump; and it’s not like this dope has the power to negotiate anything. And here’s a guy, the goddamn janitor guy, who, nowadays, he’s always got a title more, more, what? Politically correct , if not, at least, more, more ego-boosting than the title of “janitor.” PATRON B Yeah. PATRON A No, no: He’s not the “janitor,” he’s