[NAME REDACTED A] : …you must know when to make that choice. When to consider it. In this line of work, one is easily led astray. One is easily overcome. Sucked in. Pissed out. What I am trying to make clear, [NAME REDACTED B] , is that you do not want to be pissed out of somebody else’s dick. [NAME REDACTED B] : …No, sir. [NAME REDACTED A] : Do not be your country’s kidney stone. Do not be mine. [NAME REDACTED B] : God as my witness, sir-- [NAME REDACTED A] : You love your country very much. [NAME REDACTED B] : I-- [NAME REDACTED A] : Shh-Shh. You would not be here otherwise. And you will be doing your country, and me, a great service by pissing… on your own terms. Understand: by that: I do not propose that you ever piss on your country, or on me, or even on yourself--particularly on yourself. Understand that if you piss on yourself, you are, in fact, pissing on the country and on me. And, of course, I do not mean literally, that is, in the sense of wa